2006 ArchiveCategory August 10, 2006August 10, 2006 AdminAdmin 0 Comments 18:06 The boy has left the building… Time for a wee break. Normal service will resume after the bank holiday. Enjoy yourselves, I know I will! Like this:Like Loading...
Holiday HoursHoliday Hours So, keeping to the post holiday theme this week, how many of you were able to take the full holidays off? I both did, and {...} VIEW POSTVIEW POST
CampingCamping I’m quite excited, I get to go camping this weekend. The boy’s school has organised a father and son’s weekend, and I’ll be picking up {...} VIEW POSTVIEW POST
Brain TalkBrain Talk “Your brain is inside here daddy,” My little princess points to her head, “and its covered by a really hard case. It has to be {...} VIEW POSTVIEW POST