2011 Archive
On the making of JamOn the making of Jam
I, and my family of course, are very fond of our toast, and therefore jam. Breakfast, pudding after tea, snacks any time of the day, {...}
2011 Archive
I, and my family of course, are very fond of our toast, and therefore jam. Breakfast, pudding after tea, snacks any time of the day, {...}
2011 Archive
For a few months I have been doing a contract for a reputable firm in the media space. A bit old, a bit stade, and {...}
2011 Archive
In short, I didn’t get the job. I received lots of lovely feedback that it had been very close, that I’d come across strongly, was {...}
2011 Archive
So, number one son just finished his end of year exams. He is quite put out that his latin exam was below par. Not a {...}
2011 Archive
Our garden is a bit of a birds paradise. We have owls, swallows, woodpeckers (two different species), pigeons, doves, blackbirds, crows, a cock pheasant who {...}
2011 Archive
So, over the past six months I’ve interviewed for a number of jobs. Previously in my life, pretty well any job I interviewed for, I {...}
2011 Archive
So, a couple weeks ago I had some visitors from Canada. The son of a close old friend and two of his mate. All 19, {...}
2011 Archive
LL and I have had a rather sad and bizarre argument. This is the result of us both having unintentional time off work (read, being {...}