2007 Archive
We are sorry…We are sorry…
This is a customer announcement We are sorry for the delay to this weeks BoyOnTop Blog. This is caused by train overcrowding and no available {...}
2007 Archive
This is a customer announcement We are sorry for the delay to this weeks BoyOnTop Blog. This is caused by train overcrowding and no available {...}
2007 Archive
I’ve written about the cottage before. It’s a lovely place and is where LL’s maternal grandparents finally retired to. Recently the local church did a {...}
2007 Archive
Business Diners. They conjure up a mood of back room deals over £1,000 bottles of wine. Of smug corporate with belly’s spilling over their belts, {...}
2007 Archive
The problem with big projects is they can get pretty all consuming. That has its pleasures, there is a burning focus that has an endorphin {...}
2007 Archive
So I had a week off, and there where a few calls and emails every day, but frankly, I didn’t do much. Oh, a few {...}
2007 Archive
So, first day back at work. Train delayed by 5 minutes and no seats (therefor no lengthy diabtribe on the worth of sloth as no {...}
2007 Archive
I wook up with the most curious sensation this morning. I still felt tired, and could quite happily have slept longer, but I suddenly relaised {...}
2007 Archive
I’m back One project launched and in mad and busy use. It has been a hectic week, far too much so. I’ve spent the last {...}